
It has been said that if your man is willing to run out and buy you pickles and ice cream at 3am, he’s a keeper. Well, definitely…but beyond that, studies have shown that a father’s involvement during pregnancy can have a lasting impact on both mommy and baby. A father’s involvement is critical, not only for healthy pregnancy outcomes, but it also plays a crucial role in infant survival and child development.

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times of your life; it can also be one on the most stressful. Engaged fathers share the stress of pregnancy and they can be the first line of defense when mom needs a break, whether from household chores or family drama. Not only can fathers provide emotional support during this time, but they can also be there to gauge whether their partner needs additional support. One study showed that women without involved partners were more likely to experience depression, as well as delayed care. Involved fathers can ensure timely access to that care

Many studies have shown that when fathers are involved over the course of the pregnancy, the risk of preterm labor, low birth weight, and infant mortality is decreased. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, involved fathers contribute significantly to the baby’s survival. Compared to pregnant women without father support, pregnant women with father support experience a lower prevalence of pregnancy loss: 22.2% compared to 48.1%.

It is vital that mom be well cared for, both mentally and physically, so that she may have the best chance of a healthy delivery, so how can fathers engage? Below are some ideas:

  • Listen carefully to your partner.
  • Educate yourself on pregnancy and what to expect at each trimester.
  • Provide financial support.
  • Help with chores.
  • Accompany her during walks.
  • Fix her nutritious snacks.
  • Talk to your baby!
  • Go with her to doctor’s visits.
  • Be patient with her.
  • Be supportive, show that you care, and cheer her on!


https://www.Men’s Confrontation with Pregnancy from Women’s Point of View: an Ethno Phenomenological Approach – PMC (