You wake up. Something just doesn’t feel right. You decide to take a pregnancy test. It’s positive.
Now what?
The words abortion, adoption, and parenting are all flying through your mind. I’m too young… I can’t afford a baby… This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Take a deep breath. You’re going to make it through this.
Many women who face unplanned or unexpected pregnancies turn to what they believe is their easiest option: abortion. The decision on what to do with your baby should not be made in haste. Before you make your decision, it is important that you first have an ultrasound.
Here’s why: Ultrasounds allow medical professionals to understand what is going on inside your body before you have any sort of procedure done, like an abortion. Ultrasounds confirm your pregnancy, determine how far long your baby is in development, detect if a heartbeat is present, and ensure the viability of your pregnancy.
Twenty-five percent of pregnancies end in a miscarriage during a woman’s first trimester. You need to know what is going on inside your body before planning your next step.
At Cross Roads Pregnancy Care Center, we offer free early ultrasounds. Contact us today to set up an appointment. Even if you just need someone to talk you through your options, we’re here for YOU.